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1 支氣瓶體驗被鯊魚環繞-開普敦大青鯊魚潛水 Blue Shark Diving in Cape Town


從Simon’s Town出發,經過好望角,約兩個小時後到大西洋與印度洋交會處找鯊魚船家會在海中央放餌吸引鯊魚來,潛水員要維持中性浮力在五米處,且規定要戴手套因為鯊魚對反光跟快速移動的東西很有興趣如果身體都是黑色的防寒衣,只露出白白的手,他們會以為是食物另外,入水方式是著裝後在梯子邊緣偷偷的滑下水以鯊魚的角度來說,被食物吸引跑來覓食,突然有個傢伙從水上跨步入水鯊魚會覺得你是來搶食物的或是來當食物的

Leaving from Simon’s Town, passing by Cape of Good Hope, the shark’s dive took place where The Pacific and The Indian ocean came together. Bait to be set in the middle of the ocean dives needed to maintain themselves at 5 meters deep with gloves on. The sharks were peculiarly attractive by reflection and fast-moving things. The uncovered hands looked like lunch for them. The entry would gently slide into the water with the gear you definitely wouldn’t want to jump into a group of sharks when they are having lunch.




The recipe for bait is frozen fish with waterSeabirds were the first customers for the lunch. They can even dive into 5 meters deep for food. I forget to take a pill. The smell of bait was horrible that I couldn’t help myself

Blue shark完全是小可愛,眼睛大大的很像樂高做的一群好奇寶寶,他們會不停過來看看你是甚麼我一下水就承蒙鯊魚恩寵,從我面鏡旁邊竄過去Blue shark還跑去咬看看潛導的gopro能不能吃。

The blue sharks were so adorable with big eyes wandering around us. A shark swam by my face just when I got into water they tried to bite the GoPro to see if it was food or not

Blue Shark Diving

被blue shark圍繞

所有的潛水員繞著黃色餌桶圍成一個圈,blue shark就在外圍不停繞著我們轉圈圈我實在太興奮,一直跟著鯊魚一起往下繞到10米,頭超暈還興奮到忘記gopro錄影,要馬沒開要馬沒關,甚麼維持在五米還是維持穩定呼吸完全都不管,完全不太記得那一小時怎麼過的。

Divers circled around the bait with blue sharks circled us from the outside. I was too excited and forgot the rules, kept on circling with them to 10 meters. I also forgot to turn on or turn off my GoPro. Just couldn’t really describe my happiness in that hour

Blue shark滿優雅的,沒有甚麼血盆大口吃東西的畫面,頂多去搖一搖餌桶或是跟潛水員玩一玩,看起來非常的聰明伶俐從水面上看,Blue shark的膚色色澤非常的漂亮這一天大概只有4-5隻鯊魚過來,不停地從我面鏡、蛙鞋或是身邊游過去據說多的時候會有20-30隻圍繞,我想我應該會開心到暈倒

The Blue shark was really elegant. They gently shake the bait or played with us. They did look smart and the skin was shining under the sun. Laterally describe their name, blue only got to see 4 or 5 of them. It was said that during the right season, it could be like 20-30 of them. I’ll be over the moon if I did have a chance to see.

Pisces Diver


費用: R3500,含潛店至港口接送,一支氣瓶,裝備,導潛,午餐

Cost: R3500, including pickup from the dive shop to the port, 1 dive, equipment, dive guide and lunch

